5 Notion templates to boost your online teaching and project Management, CW22 2024

3 min readJun 15, 2024

Join us on our latest exploration of productivity and design using Notion and Elcovia. Notion is more than just a digital tool — it acts as your all-encompassing workspace for tasks ranging from simple notes to complex project management. When seeking top-notch Notion templates and creators, look no further than Elcovia.

Course Ace by Small Wins  | Elcovia Marketplace | Notion Templates | Notion Creators

1. Course Ace

Course Ace is your secret weapon for mastering online teaching. This innovative Notion template simplifies course management, keeps you organized, and elevates the learning experience for both you and your students. Say goodbye to online teaching headaches and hello to smooth sailing with Course Ace.

Download (Paid) • Created by Small Wins

Atomic Habits by Elcovia  | Elcovia Marketplace | Notion Templates | Notion Creators

2. Atomic Habits

Transform your life with the Atomic Habits Notion Template Pack inspired by James Clear’s bestselling book. Evaluate, implement, track, and commit to lasting positive change one habit at a time.

Download (Free) • Created by Elcovia

SWOT Analysis  by Fayed | Notion Creator  | Elcovia Marketplace | Notion Templates | Notion Creators

3. SWOT Analysis

This powerful Notion template streamlines SWOT analyses, guiding you through a structured evaluation of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats for effective strategic planning. Centralized organization, clear categorization, actionable insights, and collaborative features make it an indispensable resource for success in any project or initiative.

Download (Paid) • Created by Fayed | Notion Creator

Client Portal by Small Wins  | Elcovia Marketplace | Notion Templates | Notion Creators

4. Client Portal

Having trouble with client communication and messy project details? The Client Portal is here to help. This Client Portal is a comprehensive platform for all project details, tasks, outputs, and documents. It eliminates the need for multiple tools, making project management more efficient and streamlined. Whether you’re a freelancer or part of a big company, the Client Portal can solve your project management problems.

Download (Paid) • Created by Small Wins

To Do Dashboard by Denis Avguštin  | Elcovia Marketplace | Notion Templates | Notion Creators

5. To Do Dashboard

A Todo task manager focused on “Today”. Avoid distractions by focusing on “what I need to do today”, but keep an onverview of “things you need to do soon” and “things that should have been done”. Whether you prefer to concentrate solely on today’s to-dos, anticipate upcoming tasks, review what should have already been completed, or gain a broader perspective using timeline or calendar views, you’ll find it all right here — at a single glance. The template includes multiple views, quick action buttons, reports to help you manage your time efficiently.

Download (Paid) • Created by Denis Avguštin

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