5 Notion templates to supercharge your productivity and achieve your goals, June 2024

3 min readJun 3, 2024


Join us on our new adventure exploring productivity and design through Notion and Elcovia. Notion serves as more than just a digital tool; it is your all-encompassing workspace for tasks ranging from simple notes to complex project management. When looking for top-notch Notion templates and creators, Elcovia is your one-stop destination.

Atomic Habits by Elcovia  | Elcovia Marketplace | Notion Templates | Notion Creators

1. Atomic Habits

One Habit at a Time Enhance your personal and professional growth with the Atomic Habits Notion Template Pack, a comprehensive toolkit inspired by James Clear’s bestselling book, “Atomic Habits.” Designed to seamlessly integrate the book’s transformative concepts into your daily life, this pack offers a collection of powerful templates. Evaluate your habits using the Habit Scorecard, set implementation intentions, leverage habit stacking techniques, track your progress with the Habit Tracker, and strengthen your commitment with the Habit Contract. Tiny changes, significant results — the atomic way to lasting transformation. Start your habit transformation journey and reach your potential for lasting positive change. ⚡️

Download (Free) • Created by Elcovia

Task Manager by Notion Switch  | Elcovia Marketplace | Notion Templates | Notion Creators

2. Task Manager

Manage your Task, Organize your Life, and Make it Thrive. Meet your new productivity sidekick: Task Manager 🚀 Designed to simplify your life, this template offers a straightforward approach to organizing your tasks. From capturing ideas in your inbox to prioritizing your daily agenda and tackle it to finish, it’s your all-in-one tool for staying focused and on track. Plus, it’s customizable to fit your unique workflow! Say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to productivity, one task at a time. Ready to make life easier? Grab your copy today! What’s included? Priority Center: keep track of how much task left, task overdue, and the overall progress by priority. Quick button to easily add new task and easily access it through mobile phone. A calendar view to seamlessly plan your week. Personal Task Manager template.

Download (Paid) • Created by Notion Switch

Habit Tracker by Elcovia  | Elcovia Marketplace | Notion Templates | Notion Creators

3. Habit Tracker

Transform your life with the Habit Hub Notion template. Track, visualize, and improve your daily habits for increased productivity, health, and well-being. Start your journey towards a happier, healthier life today.

Download (Free) • Created by Elcovia

Crypto Goals & Tasks Tracker by Ni𝕏i | Notion & Crypto  | Elcovia Marketplace | Notion Templates | Notion Creators

4. Crypto Goals & Tasks Tracker

Transform your crypto goals into reality with the #1 Block of Crypto OS. This intuitive tracker helps you set clear objectives, track progress, and achieve your crypto aspirations. Stay organized, focused, and confident in reaching your long-term goals with this powerful Notion template. Start crushing your goals and tasks like a pro today!

Download (Paid) • Created by Ni𝕏i | Notion & Crypto

Notion Expense Tracker by MyHueDesigns  | Elcovia Marketplace | Notion Templates | Notion Creators

5. Notion Expense Tracker

Take control of your finances like never before with this meticulously designed Notion template. Easily manage expenses, track income, and watch your savings grow with finesse. Master your financial goals with ease and stay in control of your money.

Download (Paid) • Created by MyHueDesigns

Thank you for reading!

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